
The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, collection, reporting and enforcement of municipal property taxes.

Next Tax Sale: December 15, 2023

Please call us at 201-295-5110 for any questions.


There is a ten day grace period to pay your property taxes. On the eleventh day, interest is calculated back to the legal due date. If the tenth day falls on a holiday or weekend, you have until the next business day to make payment. Postmarks are not accepted.

Remittances requiring a receipt must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. If no stamped envelope is received you will not get a receipt or have your bill returned.

Yes, contact the Tax Collector for details.

Tax Sales typically occur in December of each year, with the exact date being announced by the end of November.

2022 Tax Sale

The TOWN OF WEST NEW YORK announces the sale of 2022 and prior year delinquent taxes and other municipal charges through an on-line auction on December 15, 2022 at 9:00 AM.

For a listing of all parcels, delinquencies and costs, along with bidding instructions, Please visit

**Information can be viewed free of charge**


For PILOT Assistance ONLY:

Tax Collector


Tax Assessor

Deputy Tax Assessor


Town Hall


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