WNY’S Compost Program!

In partnership with Green Bucket Compost, the Town of West New York is offering residents a food scraps drop-off service.  As of now, residents can drop-off their food scraps 7 days a week, from the hours of 9 AM to 7 PM.
Residents will have 3 sites to choose from:

  • 65th and Jackson
  • Library 425-60th
  • DPW 6200 Dewey Avenue. This is a free service for WNY residents ONLY.

How does it work? Where can I register?

  1. Click https://forms.gle/cBKCSzWTiCaUST8U6 to register for an access code.
  2. Bring compostable organic material in a brown bag, bucket, or plastic bags. (Please do not place the bucket in the bin)
  3. Lock the shed after you empty your compost in the bin.
  4. Take a photo and share on social media #WEAREWNY and #SOMOSWNY
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