Project Medicine Drop

Everyone must take responsibility to help stop the abuse of prescription drugs. This includes law enforcement and regulatory agencies, doctors and pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies –and everyday citizens.

Project Medicine Drop is an important part of New Jersey’s solution to this problem and the West new York Police Department has joined this important initiative.

You can now dispose of your unused and expired household medications, safely and securely, at any time: 24/7/365 at the West New York Police Department, 428 60th st. The special Project Medicine Dropbox looks like a mailbox but it is clearly marked.

Please be aware that Project Medicine Drop boxes ONLY accepts household medications, and ONLY accept solid materials such as pills and capsules.

If you have liquid medications that you need to dispose of, please follow the guidelines below:

Make the medications unattractive and difficult to get to, by mixing them with coffee grounds or kitty litter. Pour the mixture into a sealable bag, coffee can or other sealable container.

If you have liquid medications that you need to dispose of, please follow the guidelines below:

Before disposing of a medicine container, be sure to scratch out any prescription information such as your name and address, in order to protect your identity.



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